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Sensors and Intelligent Software for Preventive Roof Maintenance

Water level sensor for roof drain

With Tensio, you know if and when your drains need your attention

Tensio is the only preventative, intelligent roof maintenance solution that gives you accurate information. Telling you precisely when your drains need to be checked, thanks to continuously transmitted reliable data.

Why choose Tensio for your building?

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Minimize water infiltration and, at the same time: avoid downtime, damage to your building and reduce maintenance interventions.

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Benefit from a system that anyone can use easily and which can be quickly deployed.

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Maximize your investments by practicing preventive maintenance to preserve the value of your assets.

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Optimize your company’s labor costs by not sending workers to inspect building drains when it's unnecessary.

What's Included in the Tensio Roof Drain Solution


Tensio Smart Sensors (IoT) 

Designed and assembled in Canada, our sensors are IP67 compliant. They are made to be weatherproof. 


Gateway Connections 

The gateway uses a secure LoraWan network that is completely independent of your internal computer network. It will work even if the network connection (WIFI) in your building is problematic. 


Quick and Easy Installation 

You could install the sensors yourself, because deployment is quick and simple. So, your team can easily proceed independently, or we can assist you throughout the installation process. 


Annual Tensio Software Subscription 

Includes: Availability for an unlimited number of users, data history and hosting, alerts in case of anomalies, updates and technical support. 

For our customers who already have the Tensio snow system, you will not need a new connection gateway or subscription. The system for drains will connect to your present gateway and the new data will be displayed in the same app. 

Features for the Tensio Roof Drain Monitoring System

Roof Drain Monitoring App

Tensio sensors can determine if water is pooling or draining from a particular drain

By observing the level of the water around a drain at different times, Tensio's sensors are able to determine if the water is circulating well, thus indicating whether or not a maintenance operation is needed. 

Optimal Prevention via 3 Alert Levels

Roof drain clogging alert with the Tensio monitoring system

You can have peace of mind with Tensio! When the system detects an anomaly, the app will send you an alert. Then, you can plan a targeted intervention.

We have three levels of alerts. You will be warned:

  1. when the water level is abnormally high 24 hours after a rain,
  2. when water exceeds a customized critical threshold, such as the parapet, or
  3. when one or more sensors don't respond or match the others.

The Data is Compiled in the Tensio App

With the app, you will be able to see in real time the evolution of the water level around your roof drain and, by the same token, know if an anomaly requires intervention.

Roof Drain Monitoring App on Mobile Phones

Getting Started is Simple, Fast and Accessible

As soon as you receive your sensor kit, simply plug the gateway connection box somewhere inside your building, then go up to the roof and place the sensor near the drain by following the instructions provided in your kit. Your system will be operational once the configuration is completed on our web app. Then you are 100% autonomous. It’s that simple!

Setup instructions for roof drainage monitoring system
Water level sensor for roof drain

Discover How Tensio Can Work for Your Industry